Innokas Medical, acting today as an independent subsidiary of Serres Group, has renewed its strategy during the spring and summer. With the new strategy Innokas aims to achieve the [...]
Danish company RSP Systems selected Innokas Medical to develop a prototype for a non-invasive glucose monitoring device that has global market potential. As part of its Scandinavian growth [...]
Health Business Breakfast: The jungle of rules and regulations in medical device development and manufacturing will be discussed!
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Innokas Medical and BusinessOulu/OuluHealth are arranging Health Business Breakfast event in Oulu in the beginning of October. Welcome to join the discussion and find out how to put into practice [...]
Innokas Medical’s project management team was reinforced with an experienced specialist this autumn as Sami Melkoniemi (B.Eng., Electrical Engineering & M.Eng., Industrial Management) began [...]
To improve the production practices Innokas has invest in new technologies as well as re-organized its production layout at Kempele factory during the last 12 months. The newest invest was the [...]
Lojer’s Product Development Manager Mika Kuusela: “We especially value Innokas Medical’s customer-oriented operation, which is reflected by Innokas’ strong commitment to customer and customer’s needs.”
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Lojer Group is the Finnish market leader in hospital and care equipment, and its operation is divided in three sections: healthcare, senior care and physiotherapy. Lojer develops, manufactures [...]
Innokas Medical’s Tallinn factory enables the cost-efficient mass production of D-Fend Pro Water Traps to GE Healthcare
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D-fend Pro Water Traps are designed to protect patient monitors from moisture, humidity and contaminants. Innokas Medical is GE Healthcare’s contract manufacturing partner, producing the product [...]
Innokas Medical participated to many different fairs and events during the past spring. The fair / event calendar for the spring was more full than usually as Innokas’ sales and marketing team [...]
Healthcare technology is one of the largest high-tech export segments of Finnish industry, and the industry continues to grow strongly. According to the latest export report published by [...]
Innokas Medical has reinforced its know-how in medical device design and development: new employees have joined Innokas Medical’s engineering team
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Innokas Medical has further reinforced its know-how in medical device design and development during this spring. Pauli Innamaa (M.Sc. in Industrial Management & Licentiate of Technology in [...]